Friday, May 18, 2012

Scrolls/Miss Kelsey

The first pictures are of students who wrote their numbers REALLY far (to 1000 or more!)!  I had a contest for the kids to see who could write the most numbers by the end of the year.  We started this back in March and just finished today.  They ALL did a great job!

The last pictures are of the class with Miss Kelsey.  She was our HERO student from the high school this semester.  Miss Kelsey helped the kids individually, worked with them in small groups, and taught a large group lesson every Friday.  The students really made a strong connection with her and will miss her very much! 

Kadance, the winner!  She wrote to 2940!

Riley wrote to 1020!

Addie wrote to 1250!

Charli wrote to 2160!

I accidentally took a picture while I was walking up to the board to write.  The kids wanted me to include this picture! :)

Class picture with Miss Kelsey.

We have to include a silly picture of course! :)

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Kaylynn Housley

my fafite  memrey is the i  wit to the form. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Logan Exley

mi fari cndrgrden memre is goen too lunsh.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Draven Mathias

   my favitkendrjindendjodn mememb is jo to outsied.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Blake Schilling

my favrite kdrgordin memooree is gowee to the farm.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Destiny Nimmo

my fivrlit cinrgod mre is pely trs

Kids enjoying learning about the farm.

Farmer Andrew & Conner

Showing off our Farm Field

Farmer Holden came to our classroom to talk to us about farming.  Treyton is smelling silage (one of the foods that cows eat).

Smelling Gluten--feels like play dough!

Measuring our feet against a horse shoe.

Farmer Holden talking about seed corn.
 As we are winding down the school year, our farm unit is coming to an end.  Kids have had the opportunity to grow a farm garden, dress up as farmers, visit a farm, read various books about farms, enjoy a farmer as a guest speaker, see videos and slideshows about farms/farm animals, and many more exciting activities.  My hope is that they have learned a lot about one of Iowa's greatest assets!  I also hope you enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Jocelyn Sanders

my      fait       krgatn     mire       is           reses.

More Farm Pictures!

Kiddos enjoying the smores!

New style of barn to keep cattle in.

Heavenly holding one of the baby kittens.

Students looking at the pigs.
Thank you Anna for getting me these pictures and video of the kids rolling down the hill!  Priceless! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Andrew Wiles

my fravvit kidergarten mimreey is the birds we saw in class. the humingbird was my favorit.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Conner McPartlin

my fafrit memree is irneen a daout  frms.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Awesome Builders

These guys built some awesome stuff during inside recess and wanted to show it off! :)

Farm Field Trip!

On Friday, we went on our Farm Field Trip to the Van Mannen Farm just outside of Newton. This is the first year we attended this farm and it was very educational! When we got to the farm, we ate lunch and cooked smores before going around the farm. Julie did a great job of explaining how to care for the cattle, chickens, turkeys, crops, and pigs. Students had the opportunity to see these animals and also different machinery (tractor, combine, semi truck). It was beautiful weather and the kids were worn out by the end of our trip. Before we left though, we HAD to roll down the big hill. I can't even begin to explain how much fun that was. Parents/Guardians who went along, PLEASE send me pictures as I did the rolling with the students and therefore, wasn't able to take any pictures! Overall, the day was a great success and a memory the kids will never forget!
Chris, Christy, Sabrina, Eileen, Sandy, Anna, Shawn, and Marilyn: Thank you SO very much for all your help on our trip! You are all AWESOME and I really appreciate all of your time, help and support to make our day a big success!

Class Picture!

Jordan petting the bucket calf.

Learning about bucket calves

Looking at the calves

Learning about cows--some kids had never seen one before!

Heavenly, Delaney, & Andrew eating lunch.

Riley, Jocelyn, Addison, Treyton eating lunch before roasting smores.

Logan, Mercedes, Mrs. Fuller, Draven, and Sandy

Blake and Chris eating lunch.

Conner, Karsyn, and Destiny

Christy, Kaylynn, Hailey, Sabrina, Jordan, Lucas, Marilyn, and Charli enjoying lunch.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Lucas Weber

my favrit kindrgarten memry is lrnyng haw to read.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Hailey Sumpter

my  faevr    kindergarten            mymreey   is    ms.     holden.         and     mrs.      fuller.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Addison White

my farit kidri tdmim re is my class room.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Riley Maple

my favrite kindergardin memeree is to go on feld chrips.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Delany Fifer

my frivrint kidgardinr mimmrree is win i be with my frends.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Charli McCollum

my faverite kinbergartern memree is giveng ms.holden hugz and giveng m.. kelsey hugz.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Kadance Ann

my faveorite kindergarten memory is seeing Ms. Hollden. Anuther memory is meeting Mrs. Holden.

X-ray Fun!

Blake excited about trying on the safety items!

Charli ready for an x-ray!

Conner thinking this is a BIG glove.

Destiny trying on the safety vest.

Group shot!

Hailey ready to go.

Jocelyn thinking this is really silly!

Lucas, "Hi!"

Treyton showing off how he can lift the really heavy glove.
 Mrs. Holden came to visit our classroom when we learned about Mr. X-ray.  She brought in x-rays to show the kids and let them try on the different safety vests, gloves, neck protectors, etc.  The kids had a great time and they really got into it! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Treyton Ellis

i lov tj bc i lov that dau wan the lepcron camin. i like tj bcus we cot tbree stoft amls.

Monday, May 7, 2012

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Heavenly Ruiz Pittman

my favit  km memreey is i cen red five dooc in  th library. my favit km is i cen find it piet in the flwur gardin.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Karsyn

my fravit km memrees is wen we bilt a fouwrt.

April Newsletter

What We've Been Working On in April:
Math: We have been working on writing number stories and the number model that goes with (1+4=5, 5-4=1). We have also worked on making exchanges for pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters!

Writing: Students have been working hard on using a finger space between each word in a sentence, using only an uppercase letter at the beginning of a sentence, and some form of punctuation at the end of the sentence. They have really improved on their writing and their work is looking more and more like first grade work!

Science: Students have been learning the life cycle of a plant. We have planted different seeds and have seen the different phases —from seed to plant. There are still a few that haven’t popped up yet but we are excited to watch them grow!

Language Arts/Reading: We have been working the clap, touch, write process which helps students in their blending and writing skills. We have also been reading our Read-to-Self books and we’re already up to 11 minutes of reading every day! Students have been reading with 3rd grade buddies from Ms. Lureman’s class. They have a love for learning to read and I am so excited watching them grow into good readers!

Important Dates to Remember:

May 1st—Author Visit

May 11th—Farm Field Trip

May 28th—No School

May 30th—Last Day of School—1:00 Dismissal

Special Points of Interest:

If you would like to volunteer for our Farm Field Trip, please return the attached form by May 4th. Even if you are unable to chaperone, please return the form also so I know for sure what our numbers will be.

Please let me know if you would be interested in helping with the last day of school festivities. I will be sending a note sometime in the next few weeks with more information.

What to Work On At Home:

Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars.

Practice writing with correct uppercase/lowercase letters and punctuation.

Practice sight words, especially number words to ten and outlaw words.

Practice writing numbers 0-50.

Please feel free to contact me at any time!

Phone Number:

(641) 792-2498 ext. 1548
