What We've Been Working On in April:
Math: We have been working on writing number stories and the number model that goes with (1+4=5, 5-4=1). We have also worked on making exchanges for pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters!
Writing: Students have been working hard on using a finger space between each word in a sentence, using only an uppercase letter at the beginning of a sentence, and some form of punctuation at the end of the sentence. They have really improved on their writing and their work is looking more and more like first grade work!
Science: Students have been learning the life cycle of a plant. We have planted different seeds and have seen the different phases —from seed to plant. There are still a few that haven’t popped up yet but we are excited to watch them grow!
Language Arts/Reading: We have been working the clap, touch, write process which helps students in their blending and writing skills. We have also been reading our Read-to-Self books and we’re already up to 11 minutes of reading every day! Students have been reading with 3rd grade buddies from Ms. Lureman’s class. They have a love for learning to read and I am so excited watching them grow into good readers!
Important Dates to Remember:
May 1st—Author Visit
May 11th—Farm Field Trip
May 28th—No School
May 30th—Last Day of School—1:00 Dismissal
Special Points of Interest:
If you would like to volunteer for our Farm Field Trip, please return the attached form by May 4th. Even if you are unable to chaperone, please return the form also so I know for sure what our numbers will be.
Please let me know if you would be interested in helping with the last day of school festivities. I will be sending a note sometime in the next few weeks with more information.
What to Work On At Home:
Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars.
Practice writing with correct uppercase/lowercase letters and punctuation.
Practice sight words, especially number words to ten and outlaw words.
Practice writing numbers 0-50.
Please feel free to contact me at any time!
Phone Number:
(641) 792-2498 ext. 1548