Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Leprechaun Destroyed Our Classroom!

Leprechaun's destruction

Kids coming in--wondering what in the world happened!

Checking out the damage

Jordan & Addison surveying the classroom.

Kids looking for clues to what or who was in our room!

Kadance, Heavenly, & Charli looking for more clues.

Draven wondering what in the world happened.

Conner found gold!

Heavenly found footprints!

Jordan looking for more footprints.

Treyton showing our clues!

Riley--seems frustrated with the damage! :)
 When I left yesterday, our room was spotless!  When I came in this was a total disaster!  I warned the kids that something or someone came into our room and they needed to help me find clues to figure out what or who it could be.  Students found gold, green glitter, and green footprints everywhere!  Then, Kaylynn found a pot of gold and green necklaces hiding under our pillows in our classroom library.  We came to the conclusion that a leprechaun ran through our classroom (destroying it) to try to find a good hiding place for his pot of gold.  What a crazy day! :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pictures--Buddy Reading

Pictures--Old Creamery

Skit about playing with others, even if they aren't in your "group"

Skit about getting a good nights sleep in order to do well at school

"Commercial Break"

Skit about bullying

Skit about how to take care of your things

Bob Ross--or Rob Boss as they called him. :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dr. Seuss Buddy Reading with Mrs. Holley's Class!

Mrs. Holley's class came to buddy read with ours to help celebrate Dr. Seuss week.  I think both classes had fun and there is some talk about doing it again soon! :)  Enjoy these photos from our reading session.

Once again, having issues getting the pictures on here.  Check back later this week!

Old Creamery Theater

Once again, we had the opportunity to enjoy a performance by the Old Creamery Theater.  They are a group that goes around to different schools and perform skits about having good character.  The students caught many of the jokes but there were a few that were thrown in for just the grown ups.  The kiddos really liked the performance.  I know that I truly enjoy these performances and have never left without laughing. 

For some read, the pictures aren't loading so bear with me.  I will try to upload them this week!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Cat in the Hat visited our classroom!

We had a big surprise today at snack time.  THE Cat in the Hat showed up to read us a Dr. Seuss story to celebrate Dr. Seuss Week.  The kids were too smart though--they knew right away that Mrs. Sharp was dressed up as Cat in the Hat.  It was a great surprise anyway and the kids loved the story.  Thanks Cat in the Hat! See you next year! :)

Cat in the Hat reading a story to KM.