Thursday, February 24, 2011

February Newsletter

What We Have Been Working On In February:

· Language Arts/Reading: We have been working on blending and segmenting and also beginning and ending sounds. Challenge them with these skills whenever you have a few minutes. These are important skills when reading and all the students are reading, even if its only a word they see up around the room. It is a very exciting experience for us!
· Math: Our main focus has been measuring using our feet and standard feet and making sure we use a label (F for feet). We’ve also focused on simple addition and writing a number model (1 + 4= 5).
· Science: Nathan from Jasper County Conservation was here to talk about Groundhogs Day and also about fish.
· Social Studies: We learned about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
· Writing: Students have been working hard on using a finger space between each word in a sentence, using only an uppercase letter at the beginning of a sentence, and some form of punctuation at the end of the sentence. They have come so far since the beginning of the year. Please keep working at home with them on their writing. I am so proud of their progress!

Important Dates:

March 17th and 22nd– Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 23rd-27th– Spring Break-No School

Special points of interest:

· Please continue to work on tying shoes at home. I still have a lot of kids who don’t know how to tie their shoes!
· Please remember to try to get your student to school on time (before 8:10) each morning.
· Conferences will be held at the same time you signed up for last Fall. I will be sending a note home next week with the time and date of your conference. Please let me know if this doesn’t work for you.

Please feel free to contact me at any time!
Phone Number:
(641) 792-2498 ext. 1548

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Everyday Math

We have been working really hard the last couple of weeks. Some of the main areas we have focused on for math are: symmetry, simple addition (to 12), bigger/smaller numbers, making/identifying shapes. Today, we learned a new game called Attribute Spinner Game. Students spin three different times on different spinners (shape, color, size) and choose the shape out of the bag that matches.

Some pictures include students playing a game called Top-It. This is kind of like War. The student with the bigger number gets to keep the cards. What amazed me was when three of my students asked if they could play the game a different way. I asked them what they meant. They wanted to play a version where the person with the lowest card gets to keep the cards. I definitely encouraged this and we named this version Drop-It. :) What smart kids!

Enjoy these pictures!

Working hard on a Symmetrical Snowflake!

Students at this center are playing Top-It.

Here, students are rolling two dice. They have to add the two dice together and mark the sum on their graphs.

At this center, students are playing the Disappearing Train Game. Students start with ten cubes and they roll the dice to see how many to take away. There are two other versions of this as well. The Growing Train game--Student start with zero blocks and they roll the green dice to start making their train (goal to get to 10). The other version is the Growing/Disappearing Train game. For this game, students roll the yellow dice. If the number on the yellow die is green, they add. If it is red, they take away (goal to get to 10).
These last few pictures are of students playing our new Attribute Spinner Game that we learned today.

Friday, February 4, 2011

January Newsletter

What We Have Been Working On In January:

· Language Arts: We have been working on blending and segmenting and also beginning sounds. Challenge them with these skills whenever you have a few minutes.
· Math: We are starting to do simple addition problems! Students also have worked a lot on number stories (word problems).
· Science: Katie Cantu from Jasper County Conservation was here to talk about the story The Mitten. We also enjoyed studying penguins. The kids loved seeing the pictures and videos of the different species of penguins.
· Handwriting Without Tears: Students have learned all the uppercase and almost all the lowercase letters. They are starting to build sentences on their own and it is very exciting to see their progress! Please have them practice writing at home.
· For our Valentine’s Day Party we need milk jugs to use as our Valentine holders. If you could please wash out and bring in any milk jugs, I would appreciate it!
· Please contact Holly Dale ( OR 641-791-2347) or Stephanie Foye-Huegel ( if you are willing to provide for our party. Here is what we need: 22 plates,22 napkins, 22 cups, 22 treats, and something for the kids to drink.

Important Dates:

February 14th– Our Valentine’s Day Party
February 18th– No School
February 21st– No School

Special points of interest:

· Please send your child’s collection of 100 things to school on Monday!
· Book Orders: due February 11th. Online code: GT8GF
· Also can you please work on tying shoes at home? I still have a lot of kids who don’t know how to tie their shoes!

Please feel free to contact me any time! :)