Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December Newsletter

What We've Been Working On:

Language Arts: We have been working on words that have the short “a” sound in the middle. Students have also worked on reading small words and simple sentences!

Reading: We read stories about friends this month and had great discussions on what it’s like to be a good friend.

Math: The kids have been doing so well in math this month! We have learned some new math games (Top it, Teen Frame Game, Growing/Disappearing Train Game and more.) We have also worked on some word problems and simple addition!

Science: We learned about hibernation from Katie Cantu from Jasper County Conservation.

Handwriting Without Tears: The class has learned almost all of the uppercase letters this month.

Please wash your child’s rest towel and remember to bring it back to school on Tuesday, January 3rd.

Important Dates:
January 3rd-Come back to school!

January 13th– No School

What To Work On At Home:

Making patterns
Reading the sight words.
Recognizing numbers 0-30.
Fine motor skills to work on:
coloring, cutting, and writing their name and small words (3 letters in a word).

Please feel free to contact me at any time!

Phone Number:

(641) 792-2498 ext. 1548



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November Newsletter

What We've Been Working On In November:
Language Arts: We have been working on words that have the short “a” sound in the middle. Students have also worked on blending and segmenting some more.

Reading: We read many stories about families this month. Students had a fun time connecting the stories to their own lives.

Math: Students have been working hard on their “tricky teens” this month. They have also had a lot of fun learning new games (Monster Squeeze, Domino Concentration, Roll & Record).

Science: We learned about turkeys from Miss Chrissy from Jasper County Conservation.

Social Studies: Kids learned about the differences betweenThanksgiving Feasts now and from long ago.

Handwriting Without Tears: The class has been working on uppercase letters (H, L, U, V, W, and X).

Please wash your child’s rest towel and remember to bring it back to school on Monday!
Important Dates:
December 6th– Candy Houses

December 15th-Winter Program

December 23-January 2nd–

Winter Break

What To Work On At Home:
Please help your child decorate the green tree and bring it back to school on the 28th.

Please work on reading the sight words.

Please work on recognizing numbers 0-30.

Fine motor skills to work on:

coloring, cutting, and writing their name and small words (3 letters in a word).

Please feel free to contact me at any time!

Phone Number:

(641) 792-2498 ext. 1548



Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween Party!

Thank you to those parents who brought supplies in for our party! A special thank you to Lori and Marilyn for helping out at the party. The kids had such a fun time and this will be one of their school memories they will never forget.

Class Picture!

We decided to get a little goofy!

Andrew really focusing on winning Halloween Bingo.

Kaylynn and Lucas excited to hear the next item for Halloween Bingo.

Treyton and Hailey--does Treyton have bingo?

Another Halloween game!  The kids had fun cheering each other on!

Group 1 trying to figure out the Skeleton puzzle.

Group 2 focusing on getting done first!

Group 3 trying to figure out whose piece goes in the right spot.

Group 4 getting started.

Enjoying our yummy Halloween treats!

Awesome TK-K Team as the Black-eyed Peas! :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October Newsletter

What We Have Been Working On:

Language Arts: We have been focusing on beginning sounds, blending, and segmenting words. We have also learned 7 sight words already (color words and the words “I” and “see”).

Reading: We read many stories about colors this month. Students have had fun learning all the color words.

Math: Students have been working hard on recognizing numbers 0-20. The “tricky teens” are hard to remember because students have a tough time figuring out what digit comes first. In Math, we’ve also worked on symmetry!

Science: We have had fun talking about Fall and all the changes that come about. We also learned about bats from Miss Chrissy from Jasper County Conservation.

Handwriting Without Tears: The class has been working on uppercase letters (B, R, N, M).

Please wash your child’s rest towel and remember to bring it back to school on Monday.

Important Dates:
November 24-25: No School Thanksgiving Break

What To Work On At Home:

Challenge your student to name all the letters in the alphabet and also ask what sound the letters make.
Practice blending/segmenting words with your child. (ex: c/a/t, m/a/p) Also work on recognizing color words and the words “I’ and “see.”
Please work on recognizing numbers 0-20.

Fine motor skills to work on:
coloring, cutting, and writing their name.

Please feel free to contact me at any time!

Phone Number: (641) 792-2498 ext. 1548

November Snack Calendar

Popcorn Party

We received 9 Gold Pride awards and celebrated by having a Popcorn & Movie Party. The kids had a lot of fun and are already halfway to another celebration!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Everyday Math--Spin A Number

One of the first games we learn is Spin A Number. Students spin and read the number. Then they move a counter that number of spots on the gameboard. The first one to the end wins. Students really seemed to enjoy this game.

Joel and Kaylynn fighting to the end!

Conner and Andrew in a tough race.

Delaney and Emma working hard.

Karsyn just won and you can see the excitment in her face. You can also see the "darn" look in Charli's face. :)

Heavenly and Angel focusing on their numbers.

Jordan and Blake just starting to play.

Kadance and Addison working hard.

Homecoming Pep Rally 2011

We had the cheerleaders come to do cheers and get us pumped up for Homecoming.

Dancing Kindergartners

Cheering with the cheerleaders

Cheering with the cheerleaders

More cheering

Doing a nice job of listening about what its like to be respectful, responsible, and safe

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Long Awaited Pictures!

Check out these KM Rockstars! I am sorry it has taken me so long to get these up but hope you enjoy them. We've made a lot of great memories already this year!

Rockstar Treyton

Rockstar Riley

Rockstar Lucas

Rockstar Logan

Rockstar Kaylynn

Rockstar Karsyn

Rockstar Kadance

Rockstar Jordan

Rockstar Jocelyn

Rockstar Heavenly

Rockstar Hailey

Rockstar Emma

Rockstar Draven

Rockstar Addison

Rockstar Andrew

Rockstar Blake

Rockstar Delaney

Rockstar Destiny

Rockstar Conner

Rockstar Charli

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September Newsletter

What We Have Been Working On:
Language Arts:
We have been focusing on rhyming, beginning sounds of words, and syllables. Challenge your child at home to keep them practicing!

The first unit focused on all of the different math skills and concepts we will learn throughout the year. The students seem to be enjoying math and are doing well!

We learned about the life cycle of a butterfly and had Katie Cantu from Jasper County Conservation come in to talk more about butterflies.

The class has been working on writing uppercase letters (F, E, D, P). Have them practice writing at home because we need to work on our fine motor skills.

Please don't be frustrated if your child has been coming home with "yellow days." They are working hard at following expectations and will get better as the year progresses.

Important Dates:
October 3rd-No School
October 13th- Picture Retakes and Field Trip to Ames
October 25th-27th- Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 28th-No School

Special Points of Interest:
Our Fall Party is on Monday, October 31st. Please contact Mary McPartlin if you'd like to bring something. runsmilin2528@yahoo.com We need paper plates (21), napkins (21), cups (21), 2 kinds of treats (21 of each), any school appropriate Halloween decorations.

Book Orders are due on October 14th. If you'd like to order online, here is the information you'll need
Username: KHolden
Password: Reading

Contact Information:
Please feel free to contact me at any time!
(641) 792-2498 ext 1548

***I will be posting pictures of Bus Safety and other randoms soon! :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome 2011-2012 Kindergartners and Parents/Guardians!

Welcome! I love keeping a blog for our class because parents/guardians get to see what's going on in our classroom throughout the year. I will write at least one post per month which will include a copy of the newsletter and snack calendar. During the busier months, there will be many more posts with pictures of what we've been working on. I hope you enjoy being a part of our classroom! :)

We had a great first day yesterday. We ran into a few bumps here and there but overall, it was a great day! We'll be learning more about expectations around the school for the next couple of days and then dive into our curriculum.

Please feel free to contact me any time by email or by phone. Have a great end of your week!
(641)792-2498 ext. 1548

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Farm Field Trip

Here are lots of photos of the kids at our end-of-the-year farm field trip. We had so much fun and the kids kept saying, "Ms. Holden, this was the best day EVER!!!"

Carson playing on Haystack Mountain.

Mireya attempting to jump to the next haystack!

Kids holding baby rabbits, chicks, and kittens.

Grace, Mireya, Indy, and Denea holdin kittens.

Kids on Haystack Mountain.

Hannah trying to stay on!

Kids on Haystack Mountain.

Gaby and Trevor excited for the farm.

Libby feeding the big cows.

Connor feeding the big cows.

Brenden feeding the cows.

Irelynd feeding the bottle calf.

Cayden feeding the bottle calf.

Candid of the kids.

Kai peeping out of the chicken coop.

Kacey feeding the goats.

Lea riding a pony.

Denea riding a pony.

Zach riding on a pony.

Trevor trying to hold on tight!

Makenna enjoying her pony ride.