Monday, March 29, 2010

March Newsletter


We have decided to re-vote on our goal for behavior to make a more realistic one. Our new goal for behavior is to make it one week where everyone is on green. When we meet this goal, we get to have lunch together in our classroom.
In Language Arts, we have learned the lowercase letters and I expect students to use them in their writing. As you may have noticed, we are doing a lot more writing and learning more of the sight words from the Newton Kindergarten Sight Word List.
In Math, we have been working in centers. Each center has a different math skill that students have to work on. We have also learned some card games—High Card and One More, One Less. Challenge your child to teach you the game and play it!
Show and Tell (D)—
Monday: Jaden, Aubrey, Blake, Morgan
Tuesday: Bella, Liberty, Drake, Chase
Wednesday: Nevaeh, Noah, Jaron, Dominic
Thursday: Shelby, Teagan, Gabbi, Riley
Friday: Bailey, Sarah, Gage, Emily
Important Dates to Remember in April:
April 2nd—Snow Make-up Day (1 hr. early dismissal)
April 12th- 14th—Kindergarten Round Up—Students do not come to school these three days!
Just a reminder that if you drop off your child early, please make sure he/she goes outside to the playground to wait in line until I pick them up at 8:05. If it is raining or really cold, they line up in the gym.
Classroom Blog:
If you ever have any questions, email me at

Ms. Holden

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



We have decided to re-vote on our goal for behavior to make a more realistic one. Our new goal for behavior is to make it one week where everyone is on green. When we meet this goal, we get to have lunch together in our classroom.
In Language Arts, we have been working on taking apart words and putting sounds together to make words. We also have learned some of the lowercase letters and I expect students to start using them in their writing. As you may have noticed, we are doing a lot more writing and learning more of the sight words from the Newton Kindergarten Sigh Word List.
In Math, we have been working in centers. Each center has a different math skill that students have to work on. We have also been focusing on sorting and using ten-frames to help us count.
Show and Tell (K)—
Monday: Jaden, Aubrey, Blake, Morgan
Tuesday: Bella, Liberty, Drake, Chase
Wednesday: Nevaeh, Noah, Jaron, Dominic
Thursday: Shelby, Teagan, Gabbi, Riley
Friday: Bailey, Sarah, Gage, Emily
Important Dates to Remember in March:
March 9th-11th—Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 12th—Snow make-up day (1 hr. early dismissal)
March 15-19th—No School (Spring Break)
March 26th—Field Trip to the Civic Center
Starting this week, if students do not bring back their folders, they get ONE warning. If they do not bring it a second time in the same week, they lose a recess. It is very important that I see and record their behavior calendars and it also gives you a chance to see what we’ve been working on at school.
Just a reminder that if you drop off your child early, please make sure he/she goes outside to the playground to wait in line until I pick them up at 8:05. If it is raining or really cold, they line up in the gym.
Classroom Blog:
If you ever have any questions, email me at

Ms. Holden