Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December Newsletter

What We Have Been Working On In December:

· Language Arts: We have been working on blending and segmenting and also beginning sounds. Challenge them with these skills whenever you have a few minutes.
· Math: I cannot believe how well the kids are doing! We have been working on probability, number sense, and even some simple addition!
· Science: Katie Cantu from the DNR was here to teach us about hibernation.
· Handwriting Without Tears: Students have learned how to write some lowercase letters (c, t, a, o, d, v, s, w, u, and g). Have them practice writing at home.

Important Dates:

December 24th-January 2nd-
Winter Break
January 14th—No School
January 17th—No School (Snow Make Up Day)

Special points of interest:

· Please wash your child’s rest towel over break and bring it back on Monday, January 3rd.
· Thank you so much for coming to make Candy Houses! The kids had so much fun! :)
· Thank you all for being so wonderful so far this year! I hope you enjoy a safe and happy holiday season!

Please feel free to contact me at any time!
Phone Number:
(641) 792-2498 ext. 1548

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa's Visit to School!

Santa came today to surprise the kids with a present! They got the chance to sit next to him to tell him what they wanted for Christmas. There would have been more pictures but my camera's battery went dead! :(
Libby telling Santa what she wants for Christmas.
Carson giving Santa some suggestions for presents.

Winter Concert

The students did so wonderful last night! They looked very nice and sang beautifully! I even told them they almost made me cry because they did such a great job. There's something about spending 5 days a week, 7 hours a day together....we start to become a close "family." I am so proud of each and every one of them! Enjoy your holiday season and thank you for making last night a life-long memory for your child!

Zach's famous hat--laughing after his solo "gobble"

Mireya and Rhylan enjoying the tambourines!

Kai getting ready for our next song.

Hannah ringing a bell for one of our songs.

Gaby playing her heart out.

Cayden and Makenna doing an awesome job on the xylophones!

Carson really focusing on hitting the right notes.
Waving hi to everyone!

Some of the students excited before the performance.
Libby and Brenden before our performance.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Awesome Team

I forgot to include a picture of the hard workers behind the big Candy House Day! :)

Candy House Day!

Oh my goodness the kids had so much fun! I was extremely tired after the day was done but getting to work with 110+ students will do that to you! We really enjoyed going to each room to make a different craft and I think it will be a lasting memory for many! Thank you so those of you who came to make gingerbread houses with your child! :)

Students working on lightbulb necklaces.

Class picture with a few of Mrs. Cory's students!

Hard at work

Time for a goofy picture! :)

Rhylan's Candy House

Mireya's Candy House

Cayden and his dad

Lea and her mom

Everday Math Games

The students had a fun time playing different games from around the world. They had the chance to play Tug of War(using counters and dice--not rope and mud :)). Students also had the chance to play Nine Holes which is a game from England. Owari was a tough game for us because the directions weren't too clear but kids had fun anyway! Their favorite game was Tug of War. Here are some pictures of the students playing...enjoy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pocket Problems

Jill Bartello, our Math Coach, was here to talk about more and less. She dropped objects into a "pocket" and kids had to mentally count how many objects she put in. We also got into addition! She asked questions like "If we put 1 more in, how many would we have now?" They did an awesome job! :)

Turkey Talk

Nathan was here from the DNR to teach us about turkeys. We learned that a boy turkey is called a tom and a girl is called a hen. We also learned that they have beards!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Book Order

Book Orders are due Monday, November 29th! :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

More Halloween Pictures

Mummy Brenden :) and his Wrappers

Mummy Mireya :) and her Wrappers

Mummy Tevin :) and his Wrappers

Having a blast wrapping the Mummy!

Learning how to wrap the Mummy.

Wrapping up the Mummy!

These are more pictures I forgot to post from our Fall Party!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Party

Halloween Parade

Our Team

We had such a fun day today! The kids were so excited about showing off their costumes to their friends. We started off by getting into our costumes and parading around to every classroom in the school. They were very tired by the time we got back to our own classroom! :) After that, we had our Halloween Party where the whole room was decorated with "spooky" decorations. The kids LOVED it! It was such a fun-filled day that I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of our whole class. I was really upset about it but was happy that I did take some while we were parading around in the morning. Have a great weekend!


What We Have Been Working On:

· Language Arts: We have been focusing on beginning sounds. We also had three Alpha-friends help us with our letters, Sammy Seal, Mimi Mouse, and Reggie Rooster.
· Math: Number writing is what we have been working on the most, especially reversals. We have also learned about concepts such as temperature and graphing the weather.
· Science: We have learned about all four seasons and what each “looks like” outside. Katie Cantu also came to teach us about bats.
· Handwriting Without Tears: The class has been working on uppercase letters (B, R, N, M, H, K, L and U). Have them practice writing at home.
· Students are doing so much better following rules & directions and I am so proud of how far they’ve come since the beginning of the year! :)

Important Dates:

November 25 & 26th—
No School

Special points of interest:

· I want to thank everyone who helped in any way for our Fall Party.
A special thank you to Jennifer Carson, Holly Dale, Dianna Kelley and Denise Templeman for all the extra time and effort put in! I really appreciate all you’ve done for our students!

Contact Information:

Please feel free to contact me at any time!
Phone Number:
(641) 792-2498 ext. 1548

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homecoming Pep Rally

I am a little late putting these up from Homecoming! The cheerleaders came and talked about being responsible, respectful, and safe. They also had time to do some cheers and let us join in!

Everyday Math--Pattern Block Designs

We were working on making different designs using pattern blocks. The students started to realize that if you put some of the blocks together, they can make another shape. For example, two trapezoids make a hexagon. They had a great time constructing designs! :)