Friday, May 18, 2012

Scrolls/Miss Kelsey

The first pictures are of students who wrote their numbers REALLY far (to 1000 or more!)!  I had a contest for the kids to see who could write the most numbers by the end of the year.  We started this back in March and just finished today.  They ALL did a great job!

The last pictures are of the class with Miss Kelsey.  She was our HERO student from the high school this semester.  Miss Kelsey helped the kids individually, worked with them in small groups, and taught a large group lesson every Friday.  The students really made a strong connection with her and will miss her very much! 

Kadance, the winner!  She wrote to 2940!

Riley wrote to 1020!

Addie wrote to 1250!

Charli wrote to 2160!

I accidentally took a picture while I was walking up to the board to write.  The kids wanted me to include this picture! :)

Class picture with Miss Kelsey.

We have to include a silly picture of course! :)

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Kaylynn Housley

my fafite  memrey is the i  wit to the form. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Logan Exley

mi fari cndrgrden memre is goen too lunsh.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Draven Mathias

   my favitkendrjindendjodn mememb is jo to outsied.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Blake Schilling

my favrite kdrgordin memooree is gowee to the farm.

My Favorite Kindergarten Memory by Destiny Nimmo

my fivrlit cinrgod mre is pely trs

Kids enjoying learning about the farm.

Farmer Andrew & Conner

Showing off our Farm Field

Farmer Holden came to our classroom to talk to us about farming.  Treyton is smelling silage (one of the foods that cows eat).

Smelling Gluten--feels like play dough!

Measuring our feet against a horse shoe.

Farmer Holden talking about seed corn.
 As we are winding down the school year, our farm unit is coming to an end.  Kids have had the opportunity to grow a farm garden, dress up as farmers, visit a farm, read various books about farms, enjoy a farmer as a guest speaker, see videos and slideshows about farms/farm animals, and many more exciting activities.  My hope is that they have learned a lot about one of Iowa's greatest assets!  I also hope you enjoy the photos!